Results and Credibility

Professional Athletes

Whether you’re a professional athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or just passionate about staying in-shape, LightStim can help you recover faster and reach peak physical performance. LightStim LED Bed and ProPanels are now being used by professional athletes in the NFL, NBA, WNBA, Mixed Martial Arts Federation and US Golf Association. Don’t just take our word for it, see what some of our professional athletes are saying.
Phoenix Suns, NBA

Chris Paul

“ In my 17th NBA season, I am all about recovery and supporting my health and wellness off the court. The LightStim LED Bed helps me day in and day out and allows me to recover faster in between games and workouts. I use the LED Bed multiple times a week and every time I finish a treatment on the Bed I feel renewed. I’m very fortunate to have added the LightStim LED Bed to my recovery routine. ”
“ LightStim LED Bed helps me day in and day out and allows me to recover faster in between games and workouts. ”
Philadelphia 76ers, NBA

Tobias Harris

“ The first time I tried LightStim was during the 2020 NBA Bubble Games. LightStim set up an LED Bed for the Philadelphia 76ers to use. It really helped me with soreness and pain. Especially while recovering from an ankle injury during the playoffs. The treatments quickly became a crucial part of my regimen. I now have a LightStim LED Bed in my home and use it 5 days a week. It’s completely changed my recovery process. ”
“ I now have an LED Bed in my home and use it 5 days a week. It’s completely changed my recovery process. ”
LightStim LED Bed

Reach Peak Physical Performance with LightStim