Life Changing Treatment

LightStim LED Bed helps promote overall wellness that relieves pain, relaxes sore muscles, and increases blood circulation. Below are rave reviews from users whose lives were changed for the better by this treatment.
“ I have been suffering with severe back pain and arthritis for the past several years with little to no relief. Over the past two years my symptoms have worsened and in many cases have prevented me from enjoying the things I used to do.
Since I've been using the LightStim LED Bed, I have experienced amazing, positive results. Most importantly I am experiencing a deep, restorative sleep and not waking up multiple times a night with spine and hip pain. Instead I wake up feeling restored, calm and excited to start my day. "
- Debbie D., Back Pain and Arthritis
“ My client Luis had 5 back surgeries and takes pain medication regularly. After using LightStim LED Bed approximately every 10 days, he has reduced his need for pain medication by about 50%. “
- Louis, Pain from Back Surgery
“ One of the dreaded parts of being a distance runner at age 56 is the inevitable recovery period from any long run. I ran the San Francisco Half Marathon and incorporated LightStim LED Bed into my recovery by having two 40-min sessions on the two days following the marathon. I was frankly awed at the results. My overall muscle soreness was all but gone on day three, something that would usually take 6-7 days. “
- Edgren, Marathon Recovery
“ I have a story to share with you about the LightStim LED Bed. There is one located at The Beauty Bar in Tate, GA. I have a neighbor (Carey) with a son who has juvenile arthritis. They were having trouble finding a doctor in the area who was familiar with KJ's case and he was always in a LOT of pain.
Carey made the appointments for him and after 3 treatments KJ was able to RUN again. Before he could not even participate in school activities. Today KJ goes every other week and has grown 6", finally gaining weight and doing all the things he loves to do pain free. His last doctor visit went so well they have taken him off all medications. We are so thankful to see him truly enjoying life.“
- K.J., Pain Related to Juvenile Arthritis
“ Diane uses the LightStim once per week and has been using it for a few months. Since using LightStim LED Bed she takes approximately 60% less morphine. “
- Diane, Pain Related to Fibromyalgia
LightStim LED Bed
LightStim LED Bed uses LED light therapy for a non-invasive, soothing and gentle treatment that sets in motion the body’s inherent pain-relieving process. Relax, listen to music or meditate while enjoying this warm, soothing and restorative treatment.